I read recently an online article which title was exactly this one:

A crisis is a terrible thing to waste.

And let’s be honest the title was enough to get me interested in reading the article, as in a few words only its author was able to make me change the way I was looking at the word “crisis”. I was indeed no longer perceiving at it as a bad thing, the way it seems to be used at the moment in every media and more particularly in the news on TV, were it can be heard and heard over so many times in negative contexts, but as a real opportunity, which is really how I do want to  perceive, look at, hear and feel about that word.

The impact of words or semantic structure has been known for a while thanks to Noam Chomsky, Milton Erickson, Richard Bandler, John Grinder, Robert Dilts, and yet even those trained in NLP sometimes forget how they can so easily influence their own thoughts, mood, energy by just looking at their own words differently.

If you had to change your perception of one word? Which one would it be? and how would you go about it or reframe it to get the reaction you want? Once done, how does that make you feel?