by Florence | Feb 22, 2009 | Article, Hypnosis
I am a firm believer of hypnosis, and more particularly self-hypnosis, as a fantastic tool to help you, I and everyone else to live a better life. This is in fact the reason, associated with the fact that self-hypnosis can be learned and applied quickly and easily by...
by Florence | Feb 11, 2009 | Mind-Body connection, NLP, Study, Video
Today finally I heard about a study that finally explained what I am sure we all have known unconsciously for a while, a gentle touch from another human being helps us to feel better. In fact as Professor James Coan of the University of Virginia explained in the...
by Florence | Aug 29, 2007 | Article, Hypnosis
An article was published today in Science daily with such a title. This is just a re-affirmation of how hypnosis could be used in our modern time to complement medicine, and reduces medical costs. I am personally more interested in the impact this has on the patients,...
by Florence | Aug 22, 2007 | Article
Great article on our brain with some exercises to help motivate our clients AND ourselves. As gage said “We’ve always known that our brains control our behavior but not that our behavior could control and change the structure of our...
by Florence | Jun 11, 2007 | Article, Hypnosis
An article published recently on the BBC recommends hypnosis to treat irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Once again, the only other alternative offered at the moment are the anti-depressants which understandably a few doctors are reticent to prescribe.