Well in time of crisis, or slightly down time as I prefer to call it, some of you might be thinking that your job is bad.

So if you think your job is bad, please have a look at the photos below,
if you think your job is ok, please have a look at the photos below,
and finally if you think your job is great, please have a look at the photos below to be reminded of just how much…

So as a continuation of the post about the power of reframing with words, I thought I would use this time pictures, I had posted in my personal blog a few years back, as afterall as we all know pictures are worth a thousand words.

There is nothing better than a change of perspective for any human being to perceive things differently, isn’t it?

So how do you feel about your job now? Better?

Doesn’t it feel good to know you and I can so easily change our thoughts, should we choose to go that way?